What Is The Importance Of Nursing Homes?

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Recently, the number of people who are in need of nursing homes is increasing tremendously since the nursing homes provide them with the care that they cannot afford to get on their own. According to Ribbe, Ljunggren, Steel, Topinkova, Hawes, Ikegami, and JÓNnson, a statistic that shows the percentage of people using nursing homes. The USA has approximately 21 000 nursing homes with almost 1.5 million elderly residents, Sweden has the highest percentage of elderly people only 21 nursing home beds per 1000 older people, Switzerland is divided into 26 cantons, each with its own unique health care system. In UK approximately 4% of the elderly population reside in retirement homes (1997, p.7). All admissions to nursing homes require an assessment, …show more content…

The elderly’s psychological problems do not give them the opportunity to participate and to adapt to the new situation linked with being in a nursing home. They begin to feel worried about the future, fear of collapse, and have a sense of the futility of life, as they feel loneliness, isolation and alienation. This leads to despair and depression, and they start to remember the past, especially periods of success. Nursing homes help them in many ways, one of them is psychological sessions. Nursing homes use the importance of those sessions in many ways, where the elderly can learn how to deal with the psychological attitudes that might be exposed to them in their lives, and how he or she could get rid of them. According to Rojo and Fernandez “Mental illness is studied from a multidisciplinary point of view, and these different therapeutic programs are implemented: psychological support for adjustment disorders, cognitive-behavioural therapy for mood disorders and overall medical examination of dementia. The total sample of patients that are studied is 445” (2011, p.2). Despite recurrent reports to this effect. Some may think that psychological care in nursing homes isolates the elderly from the outside world. The administrator of the session must “communicate one-on-one with the patients and listen patiently to provide a caring atmosphere and to …show more content…

Also, nurses who work now in it one of the days they will become elderly too and another generation of nurses will be there to give them what they need, so we should focus on how to enhance nursing homes by increasing generation’s knowledge about it to get more experience which will benefit society. The increase in the number of nursing homes will result to enhance work opportunities, and it becomes very important to provide incentives for those working in the field of nursing to stay in their jobs. Although the profession requires psychological and physical effort, however, taking care of elderly should be carried from special nurses who are professional in this case because each age group has different stages of

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