What Is The Importance Of Friends Essay

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Friends are critical to the development of the youth. This is not something that is exclusive to our generation, rather it transcends time. Throughout the ages, it is expected that you are to have friends in your childhood and these are the people who, besides your family, will be most important in shaping you into who you will eventually become. You will spend much of your time around them and they will become very important in your lives, more important than we can imagine sometimes. These people will both share and mold your personality, your mood, your memories and your being. It is easy to understand that if you spend a significant amount of time with someone at an age where you are impressionable as we are now, they are for better or worse going to have an impact on the course of your life.
It is often thought that your friends have to be similar to you. This is true in a sense, but not wholly. We are all made up of parts and components that add to our personality. We have our own humor, hobbies, conversation styles, quirks, oddities, pet peeves and attitudes. It only …show more content…

It often only takes a small disagreement to end some friendships now. I can tell you, there is much value when it comes to longevity in a friendship. There is something truly special about having the same close friends for years and years and being able to grow up with people who go through the same trials, joy and pain that you do. Someone who can be there to help take your mind off of family or relationship troubles. That is the true value of friendship, when it becomes a bond that reaches far beyond common interest. There is nothing wrong with having dozens of good friends. There is also nothing wrong with having just one. Just having true ones is what is

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