What Is The Importance Of Education In Frankenstein

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Andrew McColloch is an English professor at Hyde Clarendon Sixth Form College and wrote, “Revolting Monsters: The importance of Education to Moral and Emotional Development Is Explored in Andrew McColloch’s Discussion of Frankenstein.” McColloch’s main goal in this article is to evaluate how education influenced Mary Shelley and her depiction of the role of education in the characters Walton, Victor, and the creature. He aims to show the different ways education can manifest itself in the soul and show is the action of the characters’ lives. So, he goes into an evaluation of the influence education had on Mary Shelley, even incorporating her mom Mary Wollstonecraft, and show why she created education as a theme. He then talks about education …show more content…

McColloch begins his article by discussing the educational history of Mary Shelly and how she came into the theme of education in Frankenstein. He talks about her societal influences by concluding, “ . . . Shelley may also be said to be exploring the social and political consequences of this [education] in a way that anticipates, in some measure, the concerns of the Victorian industrial novel” (McColloch). He then proceeds to talk about how Shelley’s mother influenced her through her work A Vindication on the Rights of Man. McColloch talks about how education seemed to be a major theme in both the lives of Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley. He then moves on to talk about how the theme of education presents itself in Shelley’s text. He states that her main focus seems to be to display, “ . . . how arrogance and prejudice are largely a direct result of a failure of upbringing and education and, conversely, through the creature, how the right education can produce well-balanced, intelligent, sensitive human beings” (McColloch). He argues that Shelley shows the different paths education can take someone on. There are different ways we approach education and multiple outcomes can

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