What Is The Destruction Of The Family In Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome

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When one is going through a difficult moment of their life, they will often seek the support of their family. In some pitiful cases, however, their family is unwilling to help them. Edith Wharton’s novel Ethan Frome, describes such an unfortunate situation. Mattie Silver was brought into the Frome residence after the death of her parents to assist Zeena, who reluctantly accepted her. She did not appreciate Mattie’s efforts but her husband Ethan, unsatisfied with their marriage, viewed Mattie as a symbol of hope. Her cheerful presence delighted him. Whenever she faced a troubling situation, Mattie felt that she could trust Ethan to protect and care for her well-being. For instance, she knew that Ethan was reliable and would not jeopardize …show more content…

She was left alone with no relatives willing to guide her and fifty dollars from selling her piano. “When she tried to extend the field of her activities in the direction of stenography and book-keeping her health broke down, and six months on her feet behind the counter of a department store did not tend to restore it,” Ethan recounted (31). When she arrived at Starkfield, however, “[t]he pure air, and the long summer hours in the open, gave back life and elasticity to Mattie [. . .]. ” (32) Once Zeena returned from Bettsbridge she stated that her Aunt Martha had found her a hired girl which would force Mattie to find a new job. Even though Zeena was aware that Mattie had no other relatives willing to help her, she did not hesitate to send her away. When Mattie explained to Ethan how she planned to work in a store again, he said, “‘You know you can’t do it. The bad air and the standing all day nearly killed you before. [. . .] And now you’re going to throw away all the good [Starkfield’s] done you!’” (85). He continued saying, “‘You know there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you if I could,’” to which Mattie responded, “‘I know there isn’t”’ (86). She directly stated that she realized how much Ethan was willing to take care of her physical and mental well-being. This is further shown when she told him, “Ethan, where’ll I go if I leave you? I don’t know how to get along alone. You said so yourself just now. Nobody but you was ever good to me’” (90). She was unable to survive on her own without Ethan’s hospitality. Mattie knew that Ethan genuinely wanted to provide her with financial and emotional support when her closest relatives did

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