In the fifth grade, I had a school project where I had to choose a person to write a report about. I wanted to choose someone famous, a singer or actress; however, my parents encouraged me to write about a person who had made a real difference in the world, such as a female astronaut. I mistakenly replied that there was no such thing as a female astronaut, and that was the beginning of a journey. I did end up writing my report on Sally Ride, the first American woman to fly in space. I even dressed up as an astronaut, with silver boots and complete with my oxygen tank, and even though at the beginning I was apprehensive, afterwards I was really interested in space exploration. My parents did research and found a program called Imagine Mars …show more content…
I remember one kid especially coming up with all kinds of strange and out of the box ideas, and just blurting them out, but when it came to actually building the diorama he refused to work. I worked with the rest of his group members to executive his idea of a plastic protective dome that was meant to filter out radiation. Some of these kids were really engaged in the subject, and they were very interested in the speakers that came. I remember one kid who was really shy but had some insightful ideas about space exploration. While we wanted the kids to have control of their projects, I offered assistance in designing and helped with the actual building. I helped one group build a shoe box diorama with a toilet paper roll wrapped up in green construction paper that had NASA spelled on it and it hung among the yellow …show more content…
One of the best parts was seeing the creativity and ingenuity of all the children, while they took part in this program. One girl was really shy, but she had a lot of really imaginative ideas and when it came time to present she had a lot to say about her project. Now it has been four years since we did this camp, and I have seen her at church and seen her grow as a person. I hope all the children that expressed their love of learning and intellectual curiosity continue to participate in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) programs and have the ability to graduate from high school and further their
I am very honored to have been part of this organization for the 2013-2014 school year and I plan to participate next year as well. At the end of the event I always feel so inspired and ready to make even more a difference in the lives of others, whether through volunteering, my future profession, or other organization at the University of Northern Iowa. I have learned so much from the Miracle Kiddos and their families, and plan to carry those life lessons with me as I pursue a career in the exercise/health science field.
"Sarah, we need your help in the Ukraine this summer. Can I count on you?" This question changed my life profoundly. I was asked to be a counselor on JOLT, Jewish Oversees Leadership Program, an opportunity to interact with young campers in an impoverished country and positively influence their lives. Little did I realize that this experience would impact mine so greatly.
The children go away for a week to attend these camps. They are so excited
Canada’s first ever interest in space exploration came into play during 1959 when the first suborbital sounding rocket was launched from Manitoba.
Altogether, my perspective on this affiliation embraces the importance of education and safety across all of the United stated. The founder has surfaced a great importance to what may have been over looked. Furthermore, being that most children engage in camp experiences at some time in their life; as youngsters with the ability to absorb information like a sponge as well as being risk takers, it is imperative to hold education and safety as a high quality of a camp experience. Moreover, is the education of communicable disease along with prevention of outdoors dangers as I had mentioned before the West Nile Virus. In conclusion, I view the volunteers as inspirational people that bring knowledge to others, but most importantly benefiting the children.
I try to add in the theme lesson plans an activity the child leads through being creative and with all sorts of materials available. I have observed when you allow a child to be hands on and leading the process they become more interested in the information, and excited to ask questions even to share with everyone what they made and how it fits with the lesson.
When one thinks about the space race one’s mind automatically envisions connotations of the cold war; the Soviet Union battling against the USA for technological supremacy in spaceflight capabilities. This was not only a strategic race for national defence reasons but was also seen to be a pivotal stand point of national superiority. This is also the main basis of the majority of space law still in force today. But the reality is there is a space race occurring right now in the present day, not for national supremacy but instead for commercial supremacy no longer is there a search for strategic advantage it is now a race for profit gain.
The Space Race began in or around the late-1950s, during the Cold War. The United States and Russia were both anxious to become the country to explore space. Unfortunately for the US, Russia launched the first artificial satellite and man-made object to orbit Earth, Sputnik. The launch of Sputnik surprised the United States, and we rushed to get our own space craft into space, and to beat Russia to anything else space related.
I am grateful for the opportunity to have volunteered at the elementary school. It opened my eyes to a few of the problems in our communities. I was able to make others aware of those problems through volunteering and being proactive. I am going to continue with the program for as long as I am able to do so. If only we had millions of these programs across the globe, many other children would be able to benefit and develop the skills to succeed educationally.
Knowing the impermanence of the Earth, do humans have a moral obligation to find and
As we went through each chapter of our book it would remind me of situations I already observed or would see that week. The more I learned about the educational theories I was able to see certain situations in a new light and it highlighted the differences I saw in the ages groups and different classes. The use of different motivation methods that were utilized by the teachers was great; most of them I didn’t realize were motivators until later and the one motivator I thought I understood was a reinforcer. I did see how the teacher’s preconceived ideas about students because of the type of community they are affected the students most of the time not positively. Some students were quickly disciplined and others were allowed to get away with similar offences with no comment all because of the relationship the teachers had with the families involved or the town gossip about them. I could see that this was negatively reinforcing the bad behaviors in both students. This made me aware of checking my own preconceived ideas and trying to judge the children based on what I have learned about how students learn. Overall I do believe the goals of the STEM camp were met and this has taught me to use multiple approaches to keep students engaged and
From the friendships they can make that will last a lifetime, to the distinct memories they have of campfire traditions, camp is laced with immeasurable meaning. The skills that children learn and practice at camp can become a part of their identity, and may even grow into passions that they will continue to pursue as an adult. Whether they want it or not, the songs with constantly haunt them throughout the years and though they claim to hate it, they secretly enjoy the reminder of summer fun and adventure. One thing camp taught me that I find of value today, is to say “yes!” to adventures and working with my team to accomplish outrageously fun challenges and
Ever since the beginning of time there have been stars. Not only stars in the sky, but moons, planets, and even galaxies! Astronomy is defined as the branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole. In other words it is the study of space, planets, and stars. Throughout the ages, many people have used astronomy to help them learn about the universe, our own planet, and even make predictions about life itself. Understanding astronomy means understanding where it originated, the different groups/cultures that used it, and modern purposes of the science of the stars.
This class has opened my mind to the incredible impact that STEM Education can have on our society. I do not work in an institution that has a STEM program. I work at a preschool; this makes my practice of any type of STEM program extremely limited. However, it is a private school. All my students come from households where one or both of their parents are professionals. These professionals want their children to be academically prepared for school. This means we must academically, mentally, and emotionally prepare them for their future schooling. I teach my students how to be a functioning participant in a classroom while exploring mathematics, science, art, history, literature and pre-writing. Puzzles, counting, shapes, measuring, etc. are on the daily agenda. Science is a huge part of our curriculum. Science in the
I had no idea that not everyone felt that I knew everything in the world. & nbsp; One beautiful day that summer, I was playing outside with my friends when my mom called for me to come home. I did not want to abandon my guard post at the neighbor's tree house, so I decided to disregard her order. I figured that my parents would understand my dilemma and wouldn't mind if I stayed out for another two or three hours. Unfortunately, they neglected to inform me that my grandparents had driven in from North Carolina, and we were supposed to go out for a nice dinner. When I finally returned, my father was furious.