What Is Nature Vs Nurture

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Nature VS. Nurture

The nature vs. nurture debate is about what causes human behavior. For example, if someone is a superior basketball player, how much is intense training and motivation, and how much is genetic. Nature means that it is the environment. It is most likely places, or even a person's biography. For example, forests, mountains, myself, you, us, etc. While nurture means taking care of. For example, Nurturing your child means taking care of your child.

Nature (genetics) would be eye-hand coordination, fast nerve and muscle reaction time, high energy level, and the ability to go for a long time without tiring. The nature of a person normally has to do with their hair and eye color, skin color, race/ethnicity and so on. At …show more content…

Nurture would be parents and coaches encouraging the player to practice a lot, giving him a lot of encouragement, making sure he has transportation to the basketball court, and making sure he had adequate nutrition.

I believe both sides of the nature vs nurture debate are true to an extent. Th brain is very powerful, more so than the typical human gives it credit for. Now as much as I disagree with the theory that humans program themselves to not like certain foods, certain bodies are allergic to certain things. Not so say if you don't like pineapple pizza it's predestined as so. I personally don't see it as enjoyable and is a monstrosity of a mixture, it is very much so possible to trick my brain otherwise.

From the opposed point of view I believe in "Natural Talent" but it still will only take you so far. Some people are really good at recollecting knowledge, processing, understanding and then applying. Some people are just more prone to have a good artistic eye or hand. To be more athletically built, whether it being petite for gymnastic or bulky for football. Saying that, those skills can still be acquired. If you really care enough about something and you truly want to do it then you can learn. Though you may seem to be at a lesser advantage, starting off what may be perceived as behind, practice makes perfect. Naturally talented still have to put …show more content…

Understandably it does depend on the person and the circumstance when it comes to sexuality and attraction. I can understand both viewpoints. I don't believe you can pray the homosexuality away or even there's a need to. My perspective on it is if you meet someone you truly love and click with, their gender should not be an issue regardless. As someone who socially and confidently identifies as straight I can't 100% say without a single doubt that sometime in my hopefully long life i will not date or be with a girl or even view a girl as a potential. Vice versa for dude on dude but i don't think its built into

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