What Is Family Violence?

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In society today, family violence is existent and all too common in many families. Family violence can be defined as violence enacted against family members by an offender who is related to the victim biologically or legally to include emotional, physical, and sexual abuse (Welch, 2013). This paper will briefly summarize the many forms of family violence, the most surprising violence in my opinion, three different preventative programs for this violence, and advice for parents to prevent or educate their children in this area. Family violence is also known as domestic violence and does not only happen between partners or in intimate relationships. Domestic violence is a term that describes all conduct that is performed to intentionally cause …show more content…

These unwanted sexual acts are considered rape and can occur in marital relationships, between intimate partners, teens, men, women, elderly, and even children. Amongst all the different variations of family violence the one that is most surprising in my personal opinion is sexual violence or abuse amongst children and how common this abuse is among society. Although there has been a 47% decline in sexual abuse between 1993 and 2005 (Finkelhor & Jones, 2012) sexual abuse among children is still very prevalent in society …show more content…

The programs provided through Stop It Now are help services, prevention advocacy, prevention education, and technical assistance and training. Stop It Now’s programs prove very effective and cater to every aspect possible in a child sexual abuse incident. The help services have a national prevention helpline and interactive online help center for those with questions and needs. The technical assistance and training gives training to communities, organizations, police, and etc. to ensure everyone involved is knowledgeable in the practices, policies, and strategies to prevent and handle child sexual

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