What Is Binge Eating Disorders?

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Binge-eating disorder, previously known as compulsive eating disorder, is when a person overeats and keeps on eating even when they are completely full. That individual eats even when they are not hungry and become uncomfortably full. The person gets embarrassed and will tend to hide from their peers. They will eat in hiding. Social pressure for thinness. The difference between binge-eating disorder and bulimia is that binge-eating disorder lasts a whole day while bulimia lasts for a few hours. Just like bulimia, the person eats alone to avoid embarrassment and usually eats till it is painful. Stress is a huge factor that causes binge eating. There is two types of binge-eating disorder, first one being deprivation-sensitive binge eating. …show more content…

Binge eating gets confused with obesity but only one fourth of obese people are binge eating. Binge eating is a result from psychological problems, while obesity is a physical problem. Only about 1 to 5 percent is affected in the United States. “About 60 percent of sufferers are women, and 40 percent men” (Ambrose, 38). This disorder can result in diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and death. There are many different contributors to eating disorders. One factor is it being biological. “In some individuals with eating disorders, certain chemicals in the brain that control hunger, appetite, and digestion have been found to be unbalanced” (Factors). Eating disorders usually run in the family. There is definitely a psychological factor that plays in. Usually the person has low-self-esteem, depression, anxiety, feeling of having no control, anger, and stress. But God gives an account in Philippians 4:6-7 about anxiety and to put trust in him and he will protect all people, “Do not be anxious about …show more content…

Like the girl in the book Next to Nothing, the person she showed her family and friends was happy, smart, valedictorian of her high school, top of her class in college, and she just seemed to have her life all together. Except no one saw the girl that would eat the amount of calories she thought was right or the endless times she wore out shoes on the treadmill. She would starve for days than give in and binge eat. She had that perfectionist mentality. She admits to being miserable. She almost died from her eating disorder. “They wind up consuming you whole. They will kill you, if you let them” (Arnold 2). Over a period of seven years, she attended therapy, hospitalizations, residential treatment, and physical and emotional heartache. She claims to not be cured because her ED (eating disorder) points out when she is not as this as she wants. She talks about how no one told her the dangers but instead she got compliments of how good she looked which made her think she was doing the right thing. She makes a comment about the social pressure for thinness. “I was never thin enough to appease my eating disorder” (Arnold

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