What Is Alcohol Addiction Essay

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Sniffing crack in club bathrooms, smoking marijuana to the soothing sounds of reggae music and drinking alcohol to wash away all the pain were Mr. Kelvin Fahie’s favourite past times. Using a baseball bat, he was severely beaten and felt nothing because he was too high. He experienced two seizures, vaguely remembering the first and didn’t know he had a second. During his hallucination from 1992 to 1995, finally arrived to his turning point was when he hallucinated seeing his mother jumping off of his neighbour’s roof. Standing at about six feet tall and weighing only ninety eight pounds, Mr. Kelvin Fahie marched into the BVI’s Sandy Lane Centre on August 13th 1995 in order to end his quest of drug and alcohol addiction. In only six weeks, he fully overcame his addiction of 20 years. This was a joyous event and it was even more special since he was the first person to recover through the Sandy Lane Centre. Today, he has been drug and alcohol free for nineteen years and made a promise to himself to never return to such a low place in his life ever again.
“Their first love might be the rum or vodka or gin and juice that are going around the bonfire. Or maybe the smoke, the potent marijuana that grows in the misted hills here like moss on a wet stone”, Benedict Carey. Drug or alcohol addiction can be a scary path for both the addict and his family. Trying to overcome this addiction independently will most likely be the first option, but having a prolonged exposure to alcohol and drugs alters the brain in ways that result in powerful cravings and a compulsion to use. When self-treatment fails, enrolling in a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre will be the next best resort. The rehabilitation centres would be equipped with medical p...

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...e. Addiction does not depend on the rehab centre, it depends on the person. Rehabs offer a wide range of various Treatments, inpatient, outpatient, residential and partial hospitalization, and counselling. When an addict relapses and returns to his or hers old ways which can eventually kill them, the rehab centre is not at fault. It is actually the addicts own fault. The prime reasons for relapse are the facts that the addict wasn’t open in counselling, didn’t accept his addiction, wasn’t receptive or just wasn’t ready to confront his problems. Mr. Fahie is a prime example that rehab centres work. He was addicted to alcohol, crack cocaine and marijuana and still managed to be recover from his addiction of twenty years in only six weeks. Applying the information learnt in treatment and revealing emotions and problems in counselling helps in addiction recovery.

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