What I Want My Future Roommate to Know About Me

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Throughout my life I have been told that my bedroom is the spot where I can define who I am. When I was younger I had bright orange walls with teen rock band posters plastered everywhere. I used to think that these decorations defined the person that I was, but they only defined the person who I wanted to be or to become. I used to think that the popular nickel-back posters made me as cool as the rock artists themselves, but it was not until I continued being the nerdy person that I was sitting in the corner with my other nerdy friends that I realized that changing the coolness of my room had nothing to do with my own coolness. It is seven years later heretofore known as now, and my room has evolved into an extension of myself, but has yet to define who I am. If you were to walk through my room now, you would find a messy bedspread and yesterdays clothes on the floor collecting dust, but overall a neat room. Probably not the typical teenagers room, the Frida Kahlo above my bed would elude towards a person who likes art. The African carved chest stuffed with my record collection would paint the picture of a music devotee and the feeble books on the handmade shelf my dad made for me would imply my obsession with reading. As your turn around, and see the memorial notice of William Dickens, my late teammate pinned to the wall behind my desk would show you that I will never forget the inspiration I drew from having his presence in practice every day. The leukemia support group website on my computer would hint towards the support I want to give to my stepfather. While all of these objects of my room are helpful in learning who I am, they do not tell you about my personality. To know me is to stay until two a.m. with me res... ... middle of paper ... ...we become great friends, I have always envisioned being best friends with my room mate but if we do not that will be okay. If I had entered Stanford, or any other university last year and had not gotten along with my room mate I would not of been able to handle it. I was not strong enough to be able to take rejection in fear of spending four more years as a nerd, but this past year I have become stronger. Through the help of Dana, my teachers, my sister, Tisha, my parents, the people I have met, and my job I have become comfortable with myself, all of these things have helped me define who I am much better than any of my objects I use to decorate my room. Again, I hope that we become best friends, but if we do not, that will be okay too because I know that I will grow into the person that I want to become regardless of who my friends are or where I go for college.

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