Maslow's Theory And Motivation

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Employees are without a doubt the fundamental backbone that holds any workplace, business, or corporation together. Employees engaged in the crucial tasks that establish the company’s long-term vision and goals are successful and efficiently implemented. While no business will run successfully without proper management, it is important that those employed enjoy coming to work and maintain a positive attitude while in the work place, while being productive and completing tasks with efficiency. Keep in mind, it is vigorous to guarantee that employees are satisfied with the position that they hold, and most importantly, have the ambition for more. Motivation is what gives people a reason to perform or behave in a certain way with the desire or …show more content…

Through studies of people who Maslow believed to be model, such as Albert Einstein and Eleanor Roosevelt, Maslow claimed that people would only be motivated to perform to their fullest extent if their higher order needs would be fulfilled by said performance (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2014, p. 207). In other words, it is not enough or logical for a manager to simply pay their employees more, where as pay will eventually becomes a motivator once individuals have enough money. Instead, managers must find other needs that their employees have, and link their performance to the gratification of the …show more content…

He states that people want to feel important, “every employee wants to be magnificent,” if someone acts out at work it is a clear reaction as to how they have been treated over time (Nelson, 2012). Employees want to do a good job, and they will do a good job if they are provided the right environment. According to Bob Nelson, “Motivation starts with your employees, motivation starts with finding out what is important to your employees. You can’t get the best from any employee today by lighting a fire under them, you have to find a way to light the fire within them” (Nelson, 2012). This goes hand in hand with not being able to force people to do things because they have to many choices surrounding them, what managers can do is provide a supportive environment that encourages them, that supports them, that allows them access and allows them to capitalize what they have to

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