What Exactly is the Typical American Family

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For numerous years now, when we think of the typical American family, our thoughts often go to the suburbs. We picture a family with a father, mother and the average 2.5 children. This ideal family most likely has it's roots in the 1950's. After World War II,, there was a significant move from urban and rural areas to the newly formed suburbs. A substantial part of this move can be attributed to the low interest mortgage loans supplied by the GI bill, signed into law in 1944.1 There was also another significant change coming to the American family, the television set. Families would gather in front of this relatively new device as a source not only for news but also for entertainment. Fathers of the 50's, many of whom as children, had grown up through the hard times of the Great Depression. Also, seen the horrors of the second world war were now within the peace and tranquility of their suburban homes with their families. This father served roles as provider, authoritarian, and wise counselor for his wife and children, much like the father, Ward Cleaver, played by Hugh Beaumont, on the 50's television show “Leave It To Beaver”. These roles would change somewhat over the next 60 years or so. Television sitcoms have reflected the changing roles of the American father as the provider, authoritarian, and counselor over the last 60 years.

For example, the quintessential suburban father of the 50's worked the typical 9-5 job. His wife was a stay at home mom commonly called a homemaker. It was his sole income that provided his family with the lifestyle, typical of this suburban life. This was the case for about sixty percent of homes in the 1950's.2 Shows like “Father Knows Best” and “Leave It To Beaver” reflected ...

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Moon, G. (n.d.). The Top Eight Reasons to Use a VA Home Loan | Military.com. Retrieved March 23, 2014, from http://www.military.com/money/va-loans/top-8-reasons-to-use-va-loan.html

Morawska, A., & Sanders, M. (2011). Parental Use of Time Out Revisited: A Useful or Harmful Parenting Strategy? Journal of Child and Family Studies, 20(1), 1-8. doi:10.1007/s10826-010-9371-x

Phil Dunphy by actor ty burrell - Modern Family - ABC.com. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2014, from http://abc.go.com/shows/modern-family/cast/character-phil

Whitmer, D. (n.d.). Be Your Teens Parent Not Their Friend. Retrieved March 23, 2014, from http://parentingteens.about.com/od/disciplin1/a/Be-Your-Teens-Parent-Not-Their-Friend.htm

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