Persuasive Speech

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It is said that what doesn 't kill you makes you stronger. I believe it is also true that what can and will kill you, can make you stronger. My beautiful sons are living proof of this. 1998, when our older son John turned seven, my wife, Lori, and I shared a parent’s worst nightmare: “Your son has a neurological disease. It is fatal,” the specialist said. I don’t really remember everything he said. For that matter, I don’t remember the doctor or anything else of substance about the meeting. “Fatal” was all I remember. It was as if all the oxygen and warmth had been sucked out of the room. We couldn’t think. We couldn’t breathe. Shocked, we collapsed into the sterile chairs of the doctor’s office. They offered no comfort from the weight that had been dropped on us. Slowly, emotion crept up from the bowels of our innermost being and we gave way to a torrent of tears. Needing to breathe, we tried to gulp in air through our sobs as the doctors explained the horrible progression of the disease: blindness, seizures, feeding tubes, loss of motor and cognitive function, leading to John’s death in his late …show more content…

It couldn’t be worse. Right? Six months later we were told our other son, Ben, four years old, suffered from the same disease. Two sons stricken with the same debilitating disease and a lifetime devoted to dealing with the effects. How could we find a path through life knowing we’d just been given a death sentence? If hope is defined by believing in the good one can’t yet see, what chance would there be for us to have any hope, given the bleak picture that had been painted for us? We had no oasis, no shelter. The doctors said much, but gave nothing. Our senses of hope and belief were starved of all their vital nutrients and hydration, and left a bleak desert in their stead. Flesh of our flesh, bone of our bone. How could we watch it dwindle and waste and not die

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