What Are The Two Main Problems Of The Internal Combustion Engine?

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2. The two main problems of the internal combustion engines There are two main kinds of problems in internal combustion engine which contribute negatively in our life. These two problems are the emissions, which is related to the environment, and mechanical problems, which are related to the internal combustion engines themselves. In this project, the focus will be on some solutions for these two problems. 2.1 Emissions The exhausts of vehicles, internal combustion engines, are a main source of emissions. Before 1900s, this severe problem was not recognized due to the small numbers of automobile. However, this problem became bigger with the increasing of cars due to the increase in populations. By the 1940s the problem of pollution first appeared in the USA, Los Angeles, due to the high numbers of cars and population. By 1970 the problem of emissions was clearly recognized in most American cities which might indicate that the internal combustion engine is the …show more content…

2.2.II. Self-ignition Self-ignition can be defined as the situation in which the fuel in a combustion chamber burned automatically without external cause such as a spark plug, and this is caused due to the extremely high temperature and pressure inside the chamber. Furthermore, the fuel inside the combustion chamber will not burn in the proper time, and the combustion cannot be as efficient as if it burns in a proper time. Consequently, this problem will have negative effects from both economic and environmental perspectives (Willard, 1997). 2.2.III. Incomplete combustion This situation is usually happened if there is a lake of air inside the combustion chamber or the oxygen is poor. In this situation carbon monoxide, carbon and water are produced. Furthermore, there will be two problems with this kind of combustion which are producing a poisonous gas, carbon monoxide, and the fuel will not burn efficiently (Bbc.co.uk,

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