What Are The Three Types Of Political Realism?

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In world politics there are different theories that help actors make decisions and lead states. A theory is “a hypothesis postulating the relationship between variables of conditions advanced to describe, explain, or predict phenomena’s and make prescriptions about how to pursue particular goals and follow ethical principles.” The three different types of theories I will be discussing are realism, liberalism, and constructivism. Each theory has its own history and of course each has its problems. Leaders use these theories to make decisions and also how to reach certain goals.
What is the Realism? Realism is a theory that strives on competition between states. It is one of the oldest theory and it is also known as political realism. It is …show more content…

It goes all the way back to ancient Greece and BCE. Thucydides (460-411 B.C.E) wrote History of the Peloponnesian War and it has inspired scholars today and also Thomas Hobbes. History was more than just a timeline of events, it explains how decisions were made. Realism was shown in the first speech in a debate in Sparta right before the war took place. Realism is also shown in History while Thucydides explains the causes of the war. Machiavelli (1469-1527) challenged the realist tradition and created the foundation for modern politics. He talked about the “effectual truth” and how it should make the individual and country stronger. Another famous realist is Thomas Hobbes (1588-1683). Hobbes attacked the belief that humans know what is right and wrong and can make the right decisions. He also did not believe that humans are naturally social. He believed that “a perpetual and restless desire of power after power, that ceases only in death” (Leviathan XI 2). Hobbes believed that is is every man for himself. He thought that most important thing is the relationship between the individual and state. He believed that individuals need to give up their freedom to the state and that everything would be okay. Realism appeared after World War II. States believed that there was a thing called natural harmony and everyone would be giving to one another so they signed the Kellog-Briand Pact that made war against the law to settle …show more content…

Liberalism might seem like a great theory, but there are some downsides. Realist argue that they have not learned from their mistakes. The League of Nations and the PCIJS do very little to influence states behavior. These institutions that they create does not help create a balance of power. Also realist argue that these international institutions does not keep states safe. They mainly focus on commercial, financial, and environmental affairs. They do not do anything to maintain national security and that proposes a problem. Of course realist believe that national security the only thing that helps a nation survive. They believe that they can only count on themselves, not on any other state or institution to keep them safe. The last complaint about liberalism is that they turn policy into moral decisions while realist just do what is necessary for their state. Liberals believe that they have a responsibility to protect populations that are vulnerable. For example President Obama states, “Some nations may be able to turn a blind eye to atrocities in other countries, The United States of America is different. And as President, I refused to wait for the images of slaughter

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