What Are The Stereotypes Of African American Stereotypes

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African Americans have been the subject of cruel, demeaning, and shameful stereotypes in the media for the longest and it is still going on today. Whether on stage, on the movie screen, or in music, or even right before your eyes on the television screen some people still can’t see the signs of African American stereotyping and it needs to be stopped.
Before we dive into the origins of these stereotypes we first must look at the different “types of negro’s”. One is Jim Crow this term originated in 1830 when a white minstrel show performer Thomas “Daddy” Rice blackened his face to look like a black mans and danced a jig while singing the song “Jump Jim Crow”. Another one is the Zip Coon. This was created by George Dixon in 1834, Zip Coon made a mockery of freed blacks. Zip Coons were depicted as arrogant figure who dressed in high style and spoke in a series of puns that undermined his attempts to appear dignified. Later on Jim Crow and Zip Coon merged into a single stereotype called simply “Coon”. Also there were more ways African Americans were characterized there was the Mammy and lady or older women who was a source of advice and who was independent and took no back talk from other people. Another one is the Uncle Tom. Uncle Toms are typically good, gentle, religious and sober. And another one is the Buck a Buck is a large black man who is proud, sometimes gets in trouble, and is always interested in white women. Another character is the Wench or the Jezebel. The Wench’s especially in the Minstrel Era were performed as men in drag and were usually mulattos. And a Mulatto was a mixed blood male or female who intentionally or unintentionally passed as white until they discover they have negro blood. And lastly we have the Pickan...

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...he cartoon as a big lipped, sleepy eyed country coon. Another cartoon is Scrub Me Mama with a Boogie Beat. The cartoon opens in a town called lazy town and shows the African Americans looking like monkeys and one African American is seen picking cotton but when a ship pulls into town with a white women getting off of it the African American men jump up and dance.
In conclusion this was a dark part in American history and a part that America would like to forget but the stereotypes are still there even today but people choose not to look or say anything about it. Today African Americans are portrayed as gang bangers and thugs who love white women. When you research into this you might be left with yourself thinking as to why do the television people put stereotypical and demeaning stuff like this on television and I guess it’s a question that will never be answered.

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