What Are The Similarities Between Buffy The Vampire Slayer

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For several years, there has been a dispute when it comes to the similarities between Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the latest vampire infatuation. Many television shows and films have been compared to the iconic vampire slayer. Although, it is The Vampire Dairies that is constantly scrutinized among admirers. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Vampire Diaries have several similarities, but the way each show is written and executed set them apart.
One factor within the dispute is, which idea emerged first. Creator Joss Whedon developed the idea of Buffy the Vampire Slayer immediately upon graduating from Wesleyan University in 1987. Joss Whedon's concept wasn't brought to life until five years later in the form of a low-budget motion picture. Then, being unsatisfied with the outcome Joss Whedon transformed the motion picture into a successful television series in 1997. The Vampire Diaries originated from a popular book …show more content…

Smith in 1991. The book series was developed into a television series by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec in 2009. Even though the two series have similarities, there are differences within the similarities. For example, both series have female leads, but while The Vampire Diaries has an average teenage girl named Elena Gilbert, Buffy the vampire slayer has Buffy Summers, a teenage girl with special abilities. Buffy's abilities include strength, rapid healing, sensing vampires and agility. While Buffy was briefly turned into a creature of the night due to the students of Sunnydale High School's nightmares coming true, Elena permanently became a vampire due to drowning with vampire blood in her system. Before Elena became a vampire she often relied on her

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