What Are The Most Important Values

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Values may be defined as those abilities that an individual or society considers important as ethics for conduct and that are certainly valuable. These values are important for the necessary formation of positive attitudes, which in turn affect the accomplishment and use of values. Values can vary across societies, as different social and economic surroundings in different geographical locations may lead to different value emphases. Some essential values, I can teach on the topic “my school” for social studies are respect, responsibility and honesty. Firstly, one of the most important value or attitude any given child can possess is good respect. Respect means honoring other people and treating them with care and courtesy. The best way to …show more content…

This favorite character trait means basically means that children must be self-disciplined, use self-control, be accountable for their actions, and be trustworthy. Responsibility is an important skill that all children need to learn. One teaching strategy I can use to develop responsibility is model responsibility for example as a teacher I am a role model. So I must practice arranged and structured classrooms, be on time and reliable. By building my own practice or responsibility within the classroom I am teaching the students how it should be done. Secondly, define the term responsibility. Have students identify and name responsibilities that they have at school or even at home for example doing their homework, brushing their teeth, picking up litter in class. Thirdly, assign classroom jobs, every class has duties that need to be accomplish on a daily basis. Assign students jobs like picking up litter, erasing the blackboard, wiping desk and so forth. Another strategy is provide clear classroom consequences even with a set of direct classroom expectations, you will still have students who will lack responsibility. For these students you will need to provide a clear set of penalties. For example, if a student forget or did not do their homework, the consequence would be “no lunch break or recess break”. Lastly, I can keep responsibility on their minds. I can create charts about responsibility in the classroom, play games about it, and talk about it. By keeping it in the public interest of students, they will realize how important it is. At least once a week I can address the topic in the classroom to refresh their minds and thoughts on responsibilities. As teachers we have a responsibility to teach the students how to be responsible. This is a character trait that is of value, and is essential in the learning

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