What Are The Impact Of Social Media Essay

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The invention technology was one of mankind 's greatest breakthrough, as it made life comfortably simple. With the evolvement of technology, came social media which allowed everyone to stay connected no matter how great the distance. By closely examining the effects social media has on student’s grades and lifestyle, it becomes shocking noticeable that social media has distanced us and lead us astray. Readers will be able to grasp a better understanding of the negative impact that social media has. To begin, we will first visit how social media has shackled its users, and when trying to break free, they land face first to anxiety and separation, only to relief themselves by surrendering to the world of social media. In addition, the increase …show more content…

Living in a world where connections have become the leading resource for success, it would be considered ignorant not to have a social media tool. However, social media transitions from a useful tool to being problematic when it is viewed as an important mechanism that can relieve stress, loneliness and/or depression (Griffith, Para. 4). “Study done by Cornell Information to quit just Facebook for 99 days resulted in people only lasting a few days” (Elgan, Para. 4) This study was conducted with no rewards except for the satisfaction of not being controlled by social media and people were unable to last the full asked …show more content…

A study conducted in 2012, concluded that by utilising an electronic gadget two hours before going to bed in problematic (Griffiths, Para. 11). Another study was conducted in 2013 on 2500 people that revealed that 75% of people used devices to check notifications from social networks, 30 minutes before going to bed (Griffiths, Para.3). By viewing an electronic gadget before bed does not allow melatonin (a hormone that informs our body that it is night time) to be released (Lewis, Parag. 3). Lack of sleep will then affect the academic performance for the next

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