What Are The Challenges To The Health Care System?

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Challenges 2 There are many challenges when it comes to our health care system that define the future strategic direction. The one chosen for this paper are reform and legislation, information technology advancements such as the electronic medical record (EMR)/ electronic health record (EHR), access to health care including the uninsured and those in the poverty levels, maintaining a skilled workforce and Pay for performance. These challenges pose threats to our health care system planning for the future. One of many challenges is health care reform and legislation. First off to reform our health care system you must have people who know what they are doing. These people should look at the global processes to see how they are doing things to set the pace of how we are to …show more content…

These initiatives provide financial incentives to hospitals, physicians and other health care providers to improve and achieve care for patients. You must be careful as we learned from (Gittleman, 2015)” Since some bonuses may be only weakly performance-related (for example, if a bonus is received in lieu of a benefit payment, or for referring a worker to the company), an examination of the sensitivity of the results to the definition is warranted.” It is important that the organization gives the employee something tangible for their achievements. Pay for performance also known as “P4P” will also penalize for poor outcomes to patients, medical errors and increased costs that is unnecessary. If a health care provider meets their performance measures for reductions in hemoglobin A1c in diabetic patients over time (year to year decrease), they will be rewarded. The reward would be for lowering hospital readmissions for the same

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