What Are The Causes Of Reconstruction After Civil War

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Although the Reconstruction Era is thought to be about times after the Civil War, it didn’t wait until the end of the war to begin. Reconstruction lasted from 1863-1877, two years earlier than the end of the war. In President Lincoln’s mind, Reconstruction was “To Bind Up the Nation’s Wounds”, and to create an overall “lasting peace”. Lincoln worked to shorten the war and eventually brought an end to slavery. On the other hand, the South were stuck in their ways and provided many difficulties for the Republicans to get what they wanted. A major issue that strongly wavered from one extreme to another was slavery. The Reconstruction Era was almost completely made up of whether or not the African-American’s should be free or not, what to do with them if they were, and how the different sides would deal with the verdict. Ultimately, Lincoln won, a major victory for the North, and the Thirteenth Amendment was created. The Amendment that freed all slaves and made slavery illegal. This meant that for the slaves and their family they could now get an education, worship freely, work independently, and own rented farms. The blacks also got the new privilege of taking advantage of the many sharecropping opportunities. Sharecropping allowed the landowner to let the newly freed slaves to use part of the land in exchange …show more content…

It created amendments to equal out male citizens’ rights, and it was the host of the first appearance of any feminist’s movements. The lives of the blacks were changed in such a way that even the slightest bit of freedom was strange to them, and all new generations of men, no matter the race, were now able to legally vote. For the most part, President Lincoln’s goals were accomplished, but not enforced by the new President Andrew Johnson, after Lincoln’s

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