What Are The Advantages Of Diversity In Team Decision Making

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Decision Making in Diverse Groups Namratha Murthy-nvm242 (Link Team) Malcolm ford said that “Diversity: is the art of thinking independently together”[1]. Diversity in teams is vital to achieve effective solution where every team member brings in unique expertise that results in all-inclusive approach for possible solutions. In this process different sets of eyes with unique pair of glasses see the problem and solution differently from one another that creates a wider coverage range. In the article “Putting your whole brain to work”[2] Dorothy Leonard and Susaan Straus discuss about how creative abrasion is necessary for productive results. They talk about how a manager under- stands that different people have different thinking styles: analytical or intuitive, experiential or conceptual, independent or social, logical or values driven. These thinking styles ultimately influence the decision-making abilities of a team. Even though these diverse teams are essential and have many benefits they clearly are prone to dysfunction because of the very reason of their origin i.e. considerable diversity among team members. With all these advantages and limitations of a …show more content…

Decisions were taken by giving each member and there opinions equal respect. This lead to increased trust overtime and made each of us feel comfortable to speaking our minds. I think for a team with Consensus decisions making model these there factors listening to each other, respecting each other opinion and trusting it are the key takeaways. A person irrespective of their professional or cultural background, when realizes that his/her thoughts and opinions are heard and valued they becomes more comfortable and productive in their tasks. This behavior leads to trust among the team members and team synergy. This is exactly what happened in our

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