Weapons of Control

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In Oceania, the youths are the controlled most, because they are most impressionable and easily controlled. The Nazis also decided to use youths and shaped their minds into blindly following, and this created the Hitler Youths. An article from the Holocaust Encyclopedia states, “Schools played an important role in spreading Nazi ideas to German youth. While censors removed some books from the classroom, German educators introduced new textbooks that taught students love for Hitler, obedience to state authority, militarism, racism, and antisemitism” (“Indoctrinating Youth”). Orwell in 1984 wrote about how “the children were terrible” and “adored the Party” (24). The Party and Nazis had their youths brainwashed. The children trained to hate and be suspicious of everything. Winston contemplates about Oceania’s youth, “He wondered vaguely how many others like her there might be in the younger generation—people who had grown up in the world of the Revolution, knowing nothing else, accepting the Party as something unalterable, like the sky, not rebelling against its authority but simply evading it” (Orwell 131). The children growing up in the Oceania did not realize that the Party had control on them. The Party succeeded in eliminating the past and reestablishing a clean slate for the future. Newer generations had no chance in revolting, because they had no real history of a revolution to look back on and want to change. The Party controlled the children and the future by making the children spying on their families. The children did not develop morals to know they did something wrong. The Nazi and Stalinist regimes used control to form loyalties to their countries. They foraged subliminal messages in everything to change ... ... middle of paper ... ...Pieces of a Man. Prod. Bob Thiele. York: Flying Dutchman Productions, 1971. "Hollywood Ten.” History.com. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 26 May 2014. "Indoctrinating Youth." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 10 June 2013. Web. 26 May 2014. Keys, Barbara. "The Body as a Political Space: Comparing Physical Education Under Nazism and Stalinism.” German History 27.3 (2009): 395-413. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 May 2014. Lakoff, George. "Introduction: In the Name of Freedom.” Whose Freedom? : The Battle over America's Most Important Idea. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006. 3-9. Print "Nazi Party.” History.com. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 3 May 2014. Orwell, George. 1984. New York: Signet Classics, 1977. Stalin’s Long Shadow. N.d. The New York Times. By Samuel Rachlin. Web. 08 June 2014.

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