Wealth and Poverty in Context to Hinduism

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Wealth and Poverty in Context to Hinduism

Wealth and poverty are two terms frequently used by all human beings.

Humans can be rich or poor in different ways. Poverty is the economic

condition in which people lack enough income to obtain certain levels

of health services, food, housing, clothing, and education generally

recognized as the necessary to ensure a good enough standard of

living. What is considered adequate, however, depends on the average

standard of living in a particular society. Relative poverty is that

experienced by those whose income falls considerably below the average

for their particular society. Absolute poverty is that experienced by

those who do not have enough food to remain healthy. However,

estimating poverty on an income basis may not measure essential

elements that also contribute to a healthy life. People without access

to education or health services should be considered poor even if they

have adequate food.

In Sanskrit, the word “wealth” means “sampatti”, this means anything

that is enriched, in India knowledge is known as a type of wealth. The

people in India think that people who are able to read the ancient

scriptures have wealth in them as they have the wealth of the

language. Unlike many other societies, where the caste system is based

on power or wealth, giving the poorest the least power, Hinduism has

four set castes, which a member belongs to by birth. These groups are

called varnas, and each has its own set of rules and duties to live

by, known as dharma. mixing, especially The first, and highest Varna

is that of a Brahmin-priests and teachers. The next is Kshatriya-warriors,

rulers, and l...

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...dus believe that it is a persons own fault if they suffer in their

life as they bought it upon themselves and no one else. Taking this

into account they also feel that they should go out of their way to

help those who are less fortunate than themselves as they feel that

they are being rewarded for their generosity and good work.

Personally I feel that there should be both rich and poor people,

because everybody bought the type of quality of their life’s upon

themselves. It wouldn’t be fair if everyone was poor or if everyone

was rich, people would end up living lazy lives where they would gain

nothing, I feel that the world is alright the way that it is and that

people have practically chosen what types of lives that they want to

lead by the way that they lived their previous lives, so I disagree

with this statement.

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