Wealth Inequality Essay

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Wealth inequality is the gap that exists between rich people and poor people because the inequality of assets that people own in America. Wealth inequality will always exist in the society. Wealth means what a person owns like land, properties, and money without considering the debts. Some societies have a bigger gap of wealth than others. Maybe sometime in the paleolithic era there was not wealth inequality, because they had a nomad style of live and they only hunted and recollected their food. In this period of time, the concept of private property did not exist and everybody share the goods. Since the beginning of human civilization wealth inequality exist; kings were the owners of everything while the slaves did not own anything. With the past of the years the gap between the wealthy people and the poor people suffered changes like the great depression of 1930 and the last recession of 2007. The wealthy gap will always exist; however, the ideal gap must be as fair as possible. Wealth inequality gap in America is greater than …show more content…

One of the reasons why wealth inequality in America exists is the inherited wealth. Most of the wealthy people had their parents or a family member who were rich and when their relatives died they receive properties or money as heritage. Successful rich people taught their children the proper manage of money because they will heritage their business. Wealthy people pass their heritage to their relatives or they made donation to social organizations. Another reason is the career path of the person. Some of the wealthy people came from middle class and they start making their fortune based in their career, work and effort. This people often choose a major related with business and work as CEO of big enterprises. In today society, this people are part of the top 1% who posses almost the half of the wealth of the country. Wealth people can be someone who made self

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