Water Pollution: The Future Of Water In The Future

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There is a problem looming over our future it is something we have been warned about in the past and the effect it will have on us and our children. The problem is the water we use. We humans use too much water and we also waste it which will cause us to have many water problems in the near future. Water is one of the most vital things we need for living and we waste it not even thinking twice about it. We the people are causing the fresh water to disappear and eventually it will cause a major drought that will affect millions of people. The population today is at an all time high which means more fresh water is being used on a person and is being wasted also. In an article written by National Geographic it says “On average, 10 gallons per day of your water footprint (or 14% of your indoor use) is lost by leaks.” (National Geographic.) That is just speaking upon on household think about millions of people that this situation might affect. All that water being wasted by a leak. With us using more …show more content…

“Crop yield is roughly proportional to transpiration; more yield requires more transportation. It takes between five hundred and four thousand liters of evapotranspiration (ET, the combined process of evaporation and transpiration) to produce just one kilogram of grain. When that grain is fed to animals, producing a kilogram of of meat takes much more water--between five thousand and fifteen thousand liters. Thus vegetarian diets require less water (2,000 liters of ET daily) than do high-calorie diets that include grain-fed meat (5,000 liters of ET daily)” (Molden, De Fraiture, Rijsberman) We humans only need to drink two to five liters of water a day. Water is something we use a lot and not thinking of how much could be too much water. Water is also used when we cook or bake something. There is a lot of things water are need for and we don’t think about it when we might overuse water for

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