Waste Water Essay

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For as long as vehicles are around, their owners will need washing bays that’s what makes vehicle washes one of the more attractive start-ups out there. Vehicle washing generates a lot of wastewater into our environment which flows into our water bodies or drains into soils. According to Tchobanoglous and Frank (1995), wastewater is said to be water which has been fouled by a variety of uses.
The vehicle washing bays appears today to be more conscious of the need for wastewater treatment and water recycling and reuse. Global environmental legislation and procedures concerning this specific have been released. Regarding water consumption, for instance, in Queensland, Australia, it is obligatory to use at most 70 Litres of fresh water in a single vehicle wash, and in Europe some countries restrict the water consumption to 60 – 70 Litres per vehicle and/or enforce recycling percentage (70 – 80 %) (Boussu et al., 2007; QWC, 2008). Recycling reuse of water is herein defined as the wastewater that has gone through various treatment processes to meet specific water quality cri...

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