Waste Management In Ghana

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Inefficient Solid Waste Management
According to the United Nations Conference on Human Settlement report, one third to one-half of solid waste generated is in the cities of most low and middle-income countries of which Ghana is no exception. These countries however lack the capacity to collect and properly dispose the waste generated. The waste usually ends up and become illegal dumps on streets, drains, open spaces, and waste lands. The National Development Policy Framework of Ghana (1996), highlights the problem of inefficient solid waste management as follows:
It has become a common practice for people to dispose of household and commercial waste into nearby drains and water bodies, thereby creating sanitation problems. Piles of uncontrolled …show more content…

It results in pollution and contamination of environmental resources, thus making the women and children in these communities not to have access to clean and productive environments. Songsore, has indicated that the outbreak of diseases is one of the problems associated with the improper disposal of waste. Open dumpsites he further states leads to the breading of mosquitoes, rodents and other bugs leading to the spread of diseases especially malaria, cholera and typhoid. Fuseini corroborates this assertion by Songsore by further adding that up to 40% of diseases reported in hospitals in Ghana is directly or indirectly as a result of inefficient waste management in the country. The prevalence of these diseases caused by ‘dirty’ environments does not only affect women and children the most, but, increases the burden of women on their time use scales. This is because, women are most affected by the ill health of family members. They bear the burden of caring for the sick. This affects their productivity at work and even their abilities to be gainfully employed to contribute to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country as their reproductive work is not accounted for in GDP …show more content…

Solid waste management according to the organization is possibly the paramount threat to public health in Monrovia. The IRIN also noted that “there is virtually no waste management sector in Liberia.” Just as in Ghana, rural poverty leads to rapid urbanization as a result of rural-urban migration. On a daily basis, people migrate from the rural area to the two main cities of Monrovia and Paynesville in search of better conditions of living. This unsustainable trend of urbanization has resulted in large volumes of waste being generated by households and small businesses. Waste management authorities, for the reasons of inadequate resources lack the capacity to collect all the waste that is generated, thus, leading to haphazard disposal, littering of streets and clogging of drains with

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