Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

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The Holocaust, the murder of 11 million people like you and me, killed by the Nazis. Why didn’t anyone stand up to the Nazis? Well one time, they did. Standing up to them wasn’t easy, neither was their living, or their health. Although standing up was tough, the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto were brave and highly motivated, and also put to work because rebelling wasn’t easy.
The Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto were brave. These people, despite their living conditions and their own problems still helped other Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto escape and form anti Nazi groups such as ZOB. ZOB is an underground self defense unit (History.com). These Jews bravely went back and forth from freedom to heck. They did this to save other Jews. Then these units, such as ZOB, snuck into Gestapo secret meetings knowing if they would get caught it would mean death. They snuck into these meetings to see what the S.S was up to. They found out that the S.S was planning on “moving” the Jews to a different ghetto. By “moving” the S.S was actually going to send the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto to death and labor camps (History.com). The S.S started moving out the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto. When there was about fifty-five to sixty thousand Jews left in the Warsaw ghetto they finally rebelled. Having a small supply of weapons and not near as many Jews to fight off the Gestapo police stationed in the Warsaw ghetto, they still rebelled (Ushmm.com). The Jews would not have rebelled if they didn’t have great motivation.
The Jews in the Warsaw ghetto were highly motivated. We know this because to stand up to the Nazis it would take a lot of guts. Some of these Jews in the Warsaw ghetto were motivated by the thoughts that they were going to die anyway. And that whe...

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... brave, highly motivated, and put to work because of the planning process. In conclusion, the Warsaw ghetto uprising was a pure act of bravery and hard work. In this uprising there was Planning, cleverness, and technique to how the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto fought off the Nazis. This required major amounts of courage. Many Jews who were involved in the Warsaw ghetto uprising died. The question is, would you fight if you knew you were going to die anyway?

Works Cited

Doswell, Paul.” The Usborne Introduction to the Second World War. “New York, New York: Scholastic Inc., 2005. Print.

History.com.” History.com” Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. A+E Networks, n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2014.

Ushmm.com.” The Holocaust: A Learning site for Students.” The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Web. 13 Apr. 2014.

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