True War Story Analysis

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How to Tell a True War Story
O’Brien begins the chapter by explaining about Bob (Rat) Kiley. O’Brien says that Kiley is his close friend in Vietnam, and explains how Kiley’s friend Curt Lemon was killed in the war, and Kiley starts to write a letter to the Lemon’s sister about what happened. Kiley starts talking about all the positive stuff about his friend to O’Brien, and Kiley is in tears when he talks about the things that make them close friends. Rat finally mails the letter, but his friend’s sister never mails him back. O’Brien explains that almost all war stories are immoral. He explains that war stories are never positive, and mostly told by a negative light. O’Brien explains that if someone wanted to hear a true war story, they should talk to Rat Kiley. Later on, O’Brien explains that the guy name is Curt Lemon. The smoke grenades caused Lemon’s death. He explains that some of the soldiers were playing with the grenades and they were not careful with it. This led to his death, and O’Brien explains that Lemon’s death was almost beautiful with Lemon’s handsome face when the sunlight reflecting on him. O’Brien explains that the author has a difficult explaining what is the reality and what they “think” happened in their books. He …show more content…

O’Brien explains the physical injuries that this man had that which led up to his death. O’Brien then goes on to talk about where this man came from. The man came from the Quang Ngai Province. When Azar sees the dead man, he is shocked and started to talk how badly he looks, and Kiowa told Azar to go away. Kiowa told Azar to go away, because Azar kept making fun of the dead body. Kiowa explains to O’Brien that he should go on with the war, and stop worrying that he had killed a man. O’Brien looks down to the man again, and still thinks about him. Kiowa explains that they are moving out, and tells O’Brien to go with

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