Vygotsky's Cognitive Analysis

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Piaget believed cognitive development was a result of intelligence gained from a child’s surrounding environment and the processes involved in the growth of brain function. The main focus was on adaption, assimilation and adaption (O’Donnell, et. al., 2016, p.102). Adaption takes place as an individual is able to adjust to changes in a preconceived idea or perception, secondly assimilation allows for an outside event to develop within that person’s cognitive processes, and lastly accommodation occurs when a schema that already exists is changed within the processes of adaption and assimilation (O’Donnell, et. al., 2016, p. 103). Vygotsky’s theory was based on the social interactions that children have with mentors such as parents, teachers …show more content…

Psycho, meaning sense of one’s self and social meaning the relationships that are formed in one’s lifespan that influence their development (O’Donnell, et. al., 2016, p.152). These stages are trust versus mistrust, autonomy versus shame and doubt, initiative versus guilt, competence versus incompetence, identity versus role confusion, intimacy versus isolation, generativity versus stagnation and integrity versus despair (O’Donnell, et. al., 2016, p. 152). Kohlberg’s theory followed qualitative changes that take place in an individual’s cognitive development and their interactions with others, also their ability for moral reasoning. The three stages of moral development were based on Piaget’s theory where moral and cognitive development are linked through social environments (Kearns, 2012, p. 146). The stages of morality were preconventional, conventional and postconventional, and occur when an individual experiences moral development through guidance and mentoring from positive role models such as teachers and parents (Kearns, 2012, p. …show more content…

99). By encouraging positive relationships with students and implementing strategies for inclusive education and collaboration, an effective teacher will adapt learning materials which will enable learning through each stage of the child’s academic development (Kearns, 2012, p. 218). The role of language takes place through instructional conversations that take place when providing detailed feedback and asking questions to focus the student’s attention back on the task (Woolfolk & Margetts, 2013, p.

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