Video Games and Violence

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Millions of teenagers play violent video games every day. There have only been five mass shootings committed by teens since the rise of video games in 1995 and only two have had a plot anything similar to a video game. Violent video games do not contribute to violent behaviors in teens because millions of teens play them and very few are affected, violent juvenile crime in the US has been declining while violent video games popularity has been increasing, and violent video games provide a safe outlet for aggressive and angry feelings.
Video games are played by 97 percent of American teens and 53 percent of adults, 18 and up, everyday. Video games aren’t just video games, they are like a lifestyle. They have worked their way into being an everyday routine for teens. Don
Tapscott said, “people born between 1978 and 1997 are called the net generation” because of the large use of the internet and new technologies. He, along with others, argue that this generation is going to be the most intelligent generation yet because of our huge usage of technology and the internet. His argument helps to prove that video games do not contribute to violence in teens because of how intelligent most are. Not all teens in this generation are intelligent, so some could also argue that not all have the intelligence to know how stupid it is to make a violent act like the few that have occurred. The common sense that the net generation has is at such a high level that even the less intelligent teenagers would not commit violent crimes after playing such games. Millions of teens play video games every single day as part of their routine, and only two have been affected to the point of acting out. The two that have acted out were also diagnosed with psychot...

... middle of paper ... violence in teens.
If anything they provide a place for the releasing of anger and that directly leads to the fall of juvenile crimes and murders in the US.
Violent video games do not contribute to violent behaviors in teens because millions of teens play them and very few are affected, violent juvenile crime in the US has been declining while violent video games popularity has been increasing, and violent video games provide a safe outlet for aggressive and angry feelings. Video games do not contribute to violence, except in the case of psychotic people. There should be more testing done with psychotic people to prove the fact that there is a large affect on them. That way the debate of more violence in teens from video games will be shut down. The video game industry will continue to grow and teens will spend hours playing them making it part of their lifestyle.

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