Positive Effects Of Video Games: Good Or Bad?

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Video games: Good or Bad? Since the last decade, video game – in the public eye - have been considered as a negative impact to our society. Government officials, news reporters, and parents alike have all pointed the finger at video games and their developers for — in one way or another — poisoning the minds of their children. However, recent studies have shown that video game is actually not a bad influence to our kids, and on the contrary, it could be the tool to develop their skills. The most common idea that was broadcasted consistently by the media about video games is that they are the cause of violence. The media believes that people have difficulty to distinguish between real and fictional violent action. And yet, in a thought experiment …show more content…

However, with recent studies that focused on the positive effects of video games, that idea needs to be reconsidered. Video game is actually an incredible tool that can be used to develop our personal skills. First of all, there is no denying that video games is fun. Playing games is an excellent entertaining method to improve our mood and relieve stress. People who play video games believe that the process of playing distract them from the real-world problems, especially with those who experiencing bullying and negative life situations, video games provide them a way out. Besides, by immersing into the games that you are playing, you can gain the sense of success, pride when you complete the challenges and beat the games. Succeeding in video games then can give you a boost of positive feelings, reduced the level of anxiety and help you become more relaxed. According to psychologist Barbara Frederickson, those positive emotions that you can acquire during the time playing video games can help “broaden the number of behaviours seen as desirable and build social relationships that provide support for achieving goals and coping with failure”(Romeo). Frederickson also suggested that those positive emotions can be considered to be the counteraction the negative emotions that decrease our

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