Vegetarian Diets On The Wold

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There are many kinds of diets on the wold. Vegetarian is a diet that limits what a person can eat by eliminating meat from their diet. These people have chosen to remove meat in their diet because of health, ethical, and religious reasons. There are varieties of vegetarians, which is separated by what kinds of meats and byproducts has been removed in their diet. This means that there are different categories of vegetarianism not just the stereotypical “all they eat is grass”, some vegetarian still consume meat. For example, pollotarian and pescetarian are a types of vegetarians who still eat meat that cam from fish and chicken, but doesn’t eat red meat. Red meat originates from pork, beef, lamb, and goat. Moreover, pollotarian consume white …show more content…

Pescetarian, pesce originates from Italy and it means fish, can consume fish and seafood but not white and red meat. The other types of the vegetarian diet are lacto-vegetarian, ovo-vegetarian, and ovo-lacto vegetarian. First of all, lacto-vegetarias are able to consume dairy products, however they do not eat meat or its by-products. By-products are manufactured products that derived from animals. On the contrary, ova-vegetarians do not consume any meat, by-products, or dairy but can eat eggs. Moreover, the lacto-ovo vegetarian diet is a combination of the ovo-vegetarian and lacto-vegetarian, this type of do not ingest meat but will consume their by-products, eggs, and dairy. Lastly, the most prominent type of vegetarianism is the vegan diet. Vegans have eliminated any animals and animal products completely in their diet and lifestyle. Therefore, they do not eat any type of meat, …show more content…

There are many dishes that do no not require meet, because substitutes like tofu and tempeh that are able to replace meat. These meat substitutes are made from soybeans that has been fermented and pressed together. Along the same lines, consuming beans is a great source of protein. Protein helps create body tissues, muscles and skin, and it can be used as energy, however it’s not the primary source of energy. In addition, vegetarians can get their calcium from green vegetables like kale and broccoli, which can help prevent the wearing of the bones. Lastly, these nutrients can be bought in stores in a form of a supplement. Most vegetarians lack B-12, which is needed for red blood cells to become and stay healthy, so vegetarians purchase these supplements and they do not have to worry about their well being. To conclude, vegetarians do not need meat in order to survive because there are substitutions and supplements available

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