Varicella Zoster Virus And Its Own Unique History, Pathology, And Morphology

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Varicella zoster virus
Varcella zoster virus is commonly known as chicken pox and shingles. It 's part of the DNA virus family also called Herpesviridae. The Herpesviridae family consists of eight different species that is identified to infect humans. The first two Herpesviridae species: HHV-1 and HHV-2 caused herpes labialis and genital herpes. Varicella zoster species is HHV-3 virus that is a recurrent virus, similar to other herpes viruses. Varcella zoster virus has the ability to persist in the body after the first infection as a dormant infection. VZV persists in sensory nerve ganglia. The primary symptoms of VZV are varicella and herpes zoster or also known as shingles. Shingles are the outcome of reactivation of dormant VZV infection. Thomas Weller was the first scientist to isolate and culture the virus by in 1954. In March 1995, the first vaccine was licensed to use in the United State. Varcella zoster virus have its own unique history, pathology, and morphology as well as diagnosis and treatment that are further discussed In this paper.
Even through this virus have been cultured in 1954, the earliest report of symptoms that is similar to vercella and herpes zoster dated back to ancient civilization. An Italian physician, Giovanni Filippo was the one who discovered varcella. However, varcella was believed to be smallpox and not a different virus. In the 1700 's, It was Richard Morton, who recognition that chicken pox and small pox as two distinct viruses. In 1875, Rudolf Steiner confirmed that chicken pox was contagious by using the vesicular fluid from varicella blister of a patient and using it on volunteers. The volunteer then contracted varicella which prove his finding. The connection between vacella and he...

... middle of paper ... is not clear explanation in why the virus is reactivated. The reactivation of varicella zoster virus occurs only for older adults. Like varicella, most people only have one incident of herpes zoster in their lifetime. There are cases where people have two to three incidents, but those cases are very rare. Even though people who have varicella vaccine they can still develop herpes zoster, it 's recommended for people whose 60 and older to have the zoster vaccine. The sign of herpes zoster is red patches, fluid-filled blisters, and extreme itch. Some individual feel fever, chills, headache, fatigue or muscle weakness. The rash and blister tend to locate near the face, torso, and neck. Some treatment for the symptom are anti-inflammation drugs, antihistamines, numbing creams and narcotic medications. These medicine can only help. They can 't prevent shingles.

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