Utilitarianism In John Mill: A Form Of Hedonism

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MIll presents a form of hedonism that is quite contrary to its usual connotation. His "utilitarianism" is a principle stating that every person desires more happiness than pain and that actions are moral if they are condusive to this desire. Utilitarianism is empircally based, or centered around observation. Rather than seeking pleasure in any form, Mill contends that some pleasures are greater than others. He believes that, as humans, we are capable of intellectual pleasures rather than simple animal pleasures, and that these intellectual pleasure provide much more quality, which is far superior to quanity. Thus need a way to discern between which is more worthwhile. According to Mill, the only reasonable way to do this is to look at the …show more content…

In utilitarianism, all moral actions promote the greatest happiness in the greatest amount of people. This is done indiscriminitley, meaning that every person counts as one unit and nobody 's happiness is placed over another 's. Indeed, Mill believes that all humans are seeking, as an ultimate end, happiness, and all other pursuits are simply means to that end. He defends this view by raising other possible ends and showing that they are all a part of happiness, rather than a separate puruit. He also shows why, once we have attained a higher sense of intelect and other faculties, no human, save for extreme circumstances, would ever choose to revert to a simpler state of mind, despite the fact that these simpler people may be more satisfied with their lot than those of higher faculties. He believes this a general principle, although sometimes a lack of willpower can cause a person to seak a lower principle. Mill solidifies this sentiment with the statement: better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied" …show more content…

He contends that while a general outline can be provided for ethical behavior, real life is much more situational and particular occurances require quicker thinking. In his vitue ethics, to remain virtuous in a world such as this means we must be conditioned to be vitruous. Aristotle claims that virtue is not inherent in a human, but rather nature predesposes us to be virtuous and we must hone this as we would hone any other art or skill. He asserts that "we become just by doing just acts" (124) in order to illustrate that ethics are not simply an idea but rather that we learn ethics through learning how to live. In striving to be fullfilled in life, we naturally aquire abilities pertinent to an ethical life. Aristotle belives that the best way to act justly is by acting as a just person would act. Basically this means learning by observation as well as basing moral decisions on factors that are outside our own self interest. He shows that while we are not good by nature, in striving to be good, we naturally aquire the state of character of a good person. Aristotle also places heavy emphasis on the concept of living in the mean. He believes that living in between two extremes of a character trait is almost always to best choice, as there are excess to any state of character. We remedy this by finding a balance between the two extremes and acting towards that

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