Using a Student's First Language in Teaching

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3. USING FIRST LANGUAGE IN TEACHING More than twenty years ago, a study done by Atkinson (1987) raised the debate of the role L1 plays in classrooms. In the light of previous discussions, the teaching system has seen an increasing effort in promoting the use of L1 as a tool to assist foreign language learning and teaching. In order to achieve the highest efficiency, we must understand how and when to integrate the L1 tool into the learning, and teaching process. 3.1 WHEN TO USE L1 IN THE CLASSROOM Before using the learner’s L1 in classrooms, teachers should know the criteria for deciding whether the adoption of L1 will be the best choice. Cook (2001) suggested taking four factors into consideration: efficiency, learning, naturalness, and external relevance. Furthermore he suggested that language teachers could decide when to use student’s L1 by asking four questions: will the L1 used generate a more effective outcome? Can the L1 really help the second or foreign language acquisition? Whether the learner feels more comfortable with instructions done in the L1? And will the use of two languages create an authentic environment than a fake monolingual environment, and helps the students master practical use of TL in real world communication? The Littlewood and Yu (2011) study, which examined the purpose for English teachers using the L1 in Hong Kong and Mainland, China classrooms, showed that teachers tend to use the L1 under the following circumstances: to check meanings and ensure the understanding of the TL, to build a friendly classroom relationship, and to manage classroom behaviours (ibid, 2011). Teachers often practice the use of L1 in numerous ways, but some similarities still exist from a framework of basic principles on... ... middle of paper ... ...use of L1 and TL in classrooms. Some will be eager to cooperate, and some not. Therefore teachers must overcome challenges in motivating students to use the TL. This can be achieved through applying different teaching strategies such as diverse classroom organization, different teaching methods, and implementing policies. With the globalization and modernization, English as a global language is taught in many different contexts. Most English teachers are non-native speakers teaching English in their own country, where they share the same L1 with students. By knowing the set of benefits and flaws of using the L1 in classroom, along with the techniques of how to use the L1, it could be beneficial for teachers to master the positive use of students’ native language, and a judicious use of the L1 can even double the efficiency of the foreign language learning process.

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