Using Technology in Buisness in a Responsible and Ethical Manner

622 Words2 Pages

Our company depends on technology to conduct business with our customers every day. The technologies we harness rely upon information (data) from ourselves and from our clients. This document serves to describe the acceptable use of such technologies and information, and also detail how we may keep those critical elements protected. Not acting in a responsible and ethical manner can jeopardize our equipment, employees, business, and customers.
The rules outlined in this document are to apply to each and every employee of the organization. We are a team, and we should all be committed to using company systems, networks, and peripheral devices in a responsible manner. Furthermore, because our business depends on customer loyalty and trust, we must all value and preserve the personal data they entrust to us. By holding every employee to a high standard, we not only protect ourselves from complications, we also bolster the positive impression and reputation of our company.
In order to provide comprehensive data and infrastructure protection, we must employ a system that emphasizes tangib...

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