Using Animals in Research is Bad!

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Have you ever wondered about what a product or a medicine goes through before it gets to us on the store shelves? Products from deodorant to Viagra to weed killer go through years of tests before a regulating body decides they are safe for us to use. The FDA approves drugs and cosmetics and he EPA regulates chemicals that are used and may be harmful to the environment. However before these products are even considered by these regulatory bodies they must go through years of testing. Testing that is unfortunately done on defenseless animals. Each year 50 to 100 million vertebrate animals, such as mice, rats, rabbits, cats and dogs are used in experiments to test products such as medicines, lipstick, household cleaners and pesticides. Along with the vertebrate animals used, primates are also used. It is believed that the animal’s responses to these products can predict the potential for harm to humans and other animals. Every year, millions of animals are poisoned and killed in extremely cruel tests that were developed over a decade ago. Many animals are forced to swallow or inha...

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