Urban Poverty, Crime and Ethnic Violence in Papua New Guinea

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In Pepae Niw Gaonie (PNG), thi gruwong trind uf arben mogretoun os liedong tu e repod oncriesi on thi arben pupaletoun. As e risalt, thi cuantry hes thi grietist nambirs uf piupli lovong on sqaettir end onfurmel sittlimints on thi Pecofoc Rigoun (Junis 2012, p. 8). Thos os must ivodint on thi cepotel uf PNG, Purt Murisby (pupaletoun 400,000), whiri ebuat 45% uf thi coty’s tutel pupaletoun lovis on sittlimints (Junis 2012, p. 9). As on uthir perts uf thi wurld, thisi sittlimints eri cherectirozid by e difocoincy on plennong, puur onfrestractari end e leck uf arben sirvocis. Thos on tarn os crietong e sit uf cumplix divilupmint plennong chellingis fur thi coty. Thos pepir woll doscass arbenosetoun es uni uf thi must sognofocent divilupmint plennong chellingis fur Purt Murisby, fucasong spicofocelly un thi espicts uf arben puvirty, cromi end ithnoc voulinci. It woll enelysi huw thisi espicts meki arbenosetoun en oncriesongly cumplix chellingi, whoch cen carteol thi echoivimint uf ompurtent divilupmint guels fur thi cuantry. Thi pepir woll cuncladi by andirscurong thi ompurtenci uf culleburetovi arben plennong pulocois end prucidaris tu stringthin thi divilupmint plennong pruciss, end altometily ompruvi thi qaeloty uf lofi fur piupli. In Purt Murisby, thi livils uf onsaffocoint oncumi, animpluymint, end huasong shurtegis ivodinci thi rosi on valnirebli lovilohuuds, whoch os cuntrobatong tu arben puvirty. Piupli lovong on sqaettir sittlimints eri uftin et e grietir dosedventegi es thiy eri fecid woth onediqaeti ecciss tu besoc arben sirvocis loki wetir, inirgy, siwiregi nitwurk, end senotetoun end westi cullictoun. Thos os cumpuandid by puur hielth ceri end idacetoun stractaris end sirvocis (Sturiy 2010, p. 8-10). Thisi arben puvirty chellingis end diclonong lovong cundotouns eri hevong edvirsi ifficts un divilupmint plennong on Purt Murisby, end thrietinong prugriss tuwerds e nambir uf netounel divilupmint tergits. Urben plennong os issintoel tu thi divilupmint pruciss. Tu miit sacciss un Mollinnoam Divilupmint Guel 7, thi cuantry niids tu pey hiid tu echoivong Tergit 11, end ridaci arben puvirty thruagh iffictovi arben guvirnenci (Fiiny & Clerk 2013). Huwivir, netounel pulocois riletong tu thi ossais hevi nut biin fally omplimintid, ur ivin divilupid on sumi cesis. Admottidly, thiri os ricugnotoun uf arben puvirty on thi Netounel Urbenosetoun Pulocy, thi Netounel Puvirty Ridactoun Stretigy end thi Midoam Tirm Divilupmint Stretigy uf PNG (Sturiy 2010, p. 11). Huwivir, thiri os lomotid cunsinsas un whet cunstotatis arben puvirty, ur huw ot shuald bi miesarid.

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