The Pros And Cons Of Urban Development

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Reviewing history, from ancient times to the present, urban expansion is the inevitable product of urban development throughout an inhabited region. Urban expansion stimulates economics, brings higher employment and income rates. No doubt, every improvement comes with some sacrifice, that is how the world began, and continues to run so there is no reason to restrict urban expansion if managed properly. During the early formation of cities back in ancient times, the early human being used to live without definite residences, hunting and fishing were their most important survival methods. They usually lived as a small nomadic group, nevertheless few people’s strength was not sufficient when ferocious animals appeared, joining with others was …show more content…

According to Bruegmann, Robert’ s article "Urban Sprawl Can Be Beneficial”, urban sprawl can be summed into three different categories. Leapfrog development, strip or ribbon development, and single-dimensional development. Each has their own pros and cons, and it can be said that each if done right and with the proper planning beforehand lead to growth in a positive manner. In fact, more regulations would be more harmful than allowing freer development. Many issues we face with urban development and growth actually stem from government regulations and planning done poorly. For example, traffic congestion where the government has not effectively controlled access to its roads. Each of the three types of expansion discussed each has their pros and cons however one fact is that if properly planned is actually beneficial to the growth of society without harming nature. urban development and growth can be beneficial to both businesses, homeowners and the planet. If properly planned and examined it allows for natural expansion to reduce congestion and pollution by allowing more nature and a more organic mesh between residential areas, businesses and

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