Urban Education

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There have been a number of issues in the urban schools like poor quality of education and segregation of schools by races. The great cause of these issues has been increase in immigrants and shifting patterns from rural areas to the urban areas. This has resulted in high concentration of the poor and minority students in the urban schools. These issues have necessitated the formation and application of the No Child Left Behind policy with a bet to better education system and standard in America. The African-American and Hispanic students form the largest population in these schools. White students on the other hand, mostly go the middle class suburban schools.

Some of the tough problems in these urban schools include best teachers focusing on tests and sanction instead of them remaining in these school where there is high poverty. Such problems could be addressed by the congress of the while re-evaluating the 2002 No Child Left Behind Act. There are some advocates who propose creating social-economic diverse students’ bodies across the district lines. Others however disagree and hold that would just waste students’ time though permitting the charterer schools to compete with public schools would lead to improvement. There is a challenge still because the charter school programs are too expensive for most schools to adopt and there have been no way figured out yet on how to spread success beyond some countable private and public schools.

The No Child Left Behind Act was enacted in 2002. Its goal was to push American schools to raise standard achievement for all students including the minority races and low income students. In the 18th and 19th centuries the federal government was really trying to see that there is equal educa...

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... in the low performing schools. Parents will be notified in a clear and timely way about public school options and supplemental education options. This will help them while choosing education facilities for their children. This was passed out in a regulation in October 2008.

It is very possible to fix the problems with the urban schools if this No child Left Behind policy is carried out as intended. It is fair to give equal education and learning opportunities to all students in America regardless of their class and status in the economy or even their races. This will be the real way to true advancement and development.


Bush, George. (2009, January, 8) “The white house” No Child Left Behind has raised

Expectations and improved results. Retrieved from http://georgewbush- whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2009/01/20090108.html

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