Unseen Consequences in Organizational Change

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Unseen Consequences in Organizational Change
I currently work for command Zulu, which is a detachment from the headquarters located in Virginia. Zulu employs two officers and four enlisted personnel whose primary job is conducting inspections on all East Coast Trident submarines. The two officers fill the roles of Officer in Charge and Assistant Officer in Charge. The four enlisted personnel are specialists in the areas of security, safety, technical operations, and administrative programs. An organizational change occurred a couple of years ago that shifted our chain of command to a higher headquarters. Command Zulu’s organizational culture significantly changed after the reorganization left the trust and customer relationships in shambles. This paper will briefly described the reasons for change, players associated with the change, leadership strategies, results, and lessons learned. The reason for change to the organization was to increase autonomy and subjectivity of the inspections.
The reorganization focused on autonomy of the team and subjectivity of inspection results. Removing the team from the direct chain of command of the inspected units allows each team member autonomy to dig deep into the administrative programs. However, the change did not consider how relationships would negatively influence the mission of command Zulu. Specifically, the customers (e.g. inspected units) relied heavily on our assistance in preparing and monitoring their day-to-day performance for self-assessment. The reorganization meant that anytime command Zulu visits and subordinate unit inspectors must generate and submit a formal report to the chain of command. There are no free looks and inspected units felt betra...

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