Universal Health Care

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National and universal health care is not only a worldwide matter, but also an even bigger topic in the United States. Why? Because America does not yet support and fund a national single payer health care system for its citizens. Many brilliant presidents, persons without insurance, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, have addressed this issue. Being one of the few industrialized nations that doesn’t have national health care puts the United States farther behind many satisfied countries justly and socially.
The history of health care and its disputes goes all the way back to the 1900’s. A few brilliant political leaders have tried providing our country with the decency of having national health care but weren’t able to succeed. Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Clinton and Obama have all tried to pass health care reforms, and yes, two of those presidents were Republican. Although each figure’s plan varied from another one, they still portrayed the same basic ideas and goals. They progressed towards developing a health care plan that would cover everyone, but most importantly, the lower income families.
A large benefit of having a universal health care system is that one can receive universal coverage at a lower cost than is given by larger funding methods. Canada has universal coverage, excellent health outcomes, minimal paperwork, and a great public satisfaction, although coverage or reimbursement decisions do tend to become political.
For decades there have always been opposing views towards having universal health care. It has been argued that universal health care will be too expensive and bankrupt America. This topic is relevant to every single citizen of the United States that has ever be...

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...3. Print.
Emanuel, Ezekiel. "What Are the Health Care Cost Savings?" JAMA 307.1 (2012): 39-40. Print.
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Moyers, Bill, and Wendell Potter, prods. "Wendell Potter and the Health Insurance Industry." Bill Moyers Journal. PBS. New York, New York, 31 July 2009. Television.
Navarro, Vincente. "Chapter 5/A Government-Run Health Care System Is Best." The Health Crisis: Opposing Viewpoints. By Bonnie Szumski. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, 1989. Print.
Sigerist, Henry E. "Chapter 2/Socialized Medicine." National Health Care; Issues and Problems in Socialized Medicine. By Ray H. Elling. Chicago: Aldine-Atherton, 1971. Print.
Starfield, Barbara, MD. "Is US Health Really the Best in the World? Barbara Starfield, MD, MPH." Hear The Refusers. The Refusers, 26 July 2000. Web. 12 May 2014.

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