United Way India Case Study

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World population has always been a major concern of every government as well as non-governmental organisations. India, the seventh largest country in the world, is also the second most populated country competing with the world number one; the Republic of China. With the ever-growing rise in population, a country like India is always faced with the challenge of providing for and fulfilling the very basic amenities and necessities of such a huge population, where the underprivileged always bear the brunt of ignorance. India’s diversity can be a major cause for the existing disparity between the rich and the poor. Such disparities have adversely affected the living conditions of people who live in poverty pushing them to such circumstances and …show more content…

United Way functions in India in six other cities namely; Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore and Kolkata. As a national representative of Unite Way Worldwide, United Way India aims to improve lives through mobilisation of the caring power of communities. United Way of India addresses issues related to education, health, livelihood and the environment. United Way of India aims to maintain long lasting changes with the their mission being, “to spearhead and create definitive, long-term and large-scale sustainable change for a better quality of life , through voluntary and giving and action and to impact the social fabric of the country by building synergies between the corporate and the development sector of India” . United Way of India envisions a stronger India where all its citizens achieve their potential through education, income stability and healthy lives. United Way of India strives to be the leader in impactful philanthropy for constructing sustainable lives. Today United Way of India has the support of 400+ NGO partnerships, with 10,000 volunteers annually and 90+ CEO’s or corporates. United Way of India is now focussed on three major pan India initiatives; United Way Disaster Response Fund, Student United Way and Jeevika- a project for integrating differently abled youth in mainstream job

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