United States' Diplomatic Tactics

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United States' Diplomatic Tactics

The United States uses force only after all other venues toward peace had been constituted. For example In the Spanish-American war propaganda was used to turn people against the so called "Yankee's" and American manifest destiny. The sinking of the Maine was definitely a catalyst toward war it always took loss of life for American to be drawn into war. The revolutionary war of course we wanted our freedom the Civil war we wanted freedom from slavery with the Spanish American war we were yet again drawn into war.

World War One how did we become involved in this war well it starts with diplomacy and rivalry as well as increasing hostility between nations. There is also the act of war that brings about war for example in world war 1 the attack on the Lusitania. In 1917, after 3 years of neutrality, United States declared war on Imperial Germany and thereby entered World War I for several reasons. One, unrestricted submarine warfare destroyed American ships. Two, the Zimmerman telegram outraged the United States and gave reason to believe that Germany was planning to wage war directly on the continental US. Three, Russian withdrawal from war with the Bolshevik overthrow of its government dramatically increased the chances of German victory in Europe.

The Korean War marks a war fought to stop communism and acts a war the US fought in its position as police officer of the world. June 25, 1950 At approximately 4 a.m. (Korean Standard Time) on a rainy Sunday morning Democratic People's Republic of Korea Army (DPRK - North Korea) artillery and mortars open fire on Republic of Korea (ROK - South Korea) Army positions south of the 38th Parallel, the line then serving as the border between the two countries. The opening barrage is followed shortly by tank/infantry attacks at all points along the Parallel. At 11 a.m. North Korea announced a formal declaration of war and what is now known as "The Korean War" officially began. In this announcement North Korea claimed ROK forces on the Ongjin Peninsula attacked North Korea in the Haeju area (west) and their declaration of war was in response to this attack. This claim was bogus.U.S. President Harry S. Truman was notified of the invasion and returned from his home in Independence, Missouri, to Washington, D.C., arriving in early afternoon. Meanwhile the U.N. Security Council passed a resolution calling for the immediate cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal of North Korean forces to north of the 38th Parallel.

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