Unemployment In Unemployment

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 The main issue of the media article is about the increase in Unemployment rate over the past years. People are losing jobs; Jobless rate has shot up to 6 per cent, its highest level in more than a decade, as 3700 jobs were removed from the economy, official figures show (Sydney herald, 2014).  The issue is being raised because this problem has affected international workers in Australia as well as factories manufactured overseas. The problems are listed below. • Job vacancies decreased. • Provide cheap labour for companies • Taking jobs that the young generation look for no experience or less education(worries in the future about the jobs) • Decreased job opportunities within Australia • Cheap labour outside Australia (Bangladesh) • Fair work Australia- Minimum Wage  There is rise in aggregate monthly hours work by 20.5 million hours to 1,635.8 million hours, which could indicate future improvements in the jobs market, as economist has said.  The stake holders that are being impacted are: • Owners • Consumers • Employees • Suppliers  In Australia, 6%...

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