When Heb. 11: 6 Tells Us

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Heb. 11:6 tells us…”Without faith, it is impossible to please Him.” Who is Him? GOD. Here we see the emphasis our Father puts on faith; although few seem to understand this. I believe He is showing us what our priority with faith should be. Our priority with faith should be to please Him.

Most of us, because we haven’t totally put “self” on the cross with Jesus, have another priority - me. Our faith is usually centered around MY need, MY health, MY blessing, MY family, MY relationships,
MY job, etc. These areas are the results of our faith, but I believe a revelation knowledge, understanding of Heb. 11:6 will clearly define what our priority of faith should be. Our priority of faith should be to please Him.

An example of pleasing faith is found in Matt. 8:5-10 (NKJV), “Now when Jesus had entered Capernaum, a …show more content…

We either look them up on a computer program or we look in our Strong’s Concordance, or whichever one we use. Many years ago, after I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, I was looking at a verse on faith one day. I decided to look up the Greek definition. I was asking God at the time to open my eyes of understanding about faith. The verse I was meditating on was Heb. 10:38, “The just shall live by faith.” The word LIVE jumped out at me that day. (That’s another way of speaking of enlightenment.)

As I looked up the word “faith,” I found the Greek word “pistis.” I began to read the definitions: persuasion; assurance; belief; conviction of the truthfulness of God, etc. Once again, the eyes of my understanding were being enlightened. Among those definitions, one stood out like a neon light. That definition is: a conviction of the truthfulness of God. Time will not allow me to tell you all that has happened since that day. I will, however, tell you that simple definition of faith changed my life.


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