The Presentation Of Self In Everyday Life By Erving Goffman

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Sociologist Erving Goffman (1959) discussed some relevant concepts in The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life such as performance, front, dramaturgical self, and impression management. Performance means that there is any sort of event where other people are watching the individual and this observation of the individual influences how the individual acts (Goffman 1959: 22). This is an altered performance and Goffman labelled this as the ‘front’ (Goffman 1959: 22). The term dramaturgical self means the practice of highlighting an aspect of the individual self that is usually hidden on a normal basis in order for others to see it (Goffman 1959: 30-31). And the final term outlined in Goffman’s book is impression management, which is when people …show more content…

Goffman described this information control as being at the core of one’s life and probing each situation debating whether “to tell or not to tell, to let on or not let on, to lie or not to lie, and in each case, to whom, when, and where” (Goffman 1963: 42).
Namaste’s (2000) chapter ‘Gender Bashing’ in Invisible Lives: The Erasure of Transsexual and Transgendered People discusses the issue of safety for transgender individuals thoroughly. Individuals who are unable to pass during their transition are at risk of bashing because of their non-conforming appearance (Namaste 2000: 136).The author warns that individuals who live outside society’s rigid categorization of male and female are at risk of assault (Namaste 2000: 136). Transgender men are at risk when their gender is not easily identifiable by others within society which makes passing a necessity in order to avoid risk of discovery (Namaste 2000: 144). This instills a driving motivator for transgender men to define their masculinity within the gender binary that society has defined for them and pass within

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