Understanding Baseball In Sex Needs A New Metaphor?

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When a boy or girl is of age we get “The Talk.” We all know what this “talk” is about and some of us know before we’re even told. Our parents gather us up trying to explain sex through metaphors like, “the birds and the bees”, or the biggest one “Baseball.” As we think about sex at a young age we say “Well this makes sense, Baseball is easy!” with few rules we follow along that baseball is a good metaphor to use, but is it? As we get older, understanding sex seems to be a little more difficult. In order for us to understand sex we have to be willing, so that we can understand the opposite sex. In Al Vernacchio’s speaks about metaphors in his TED Talk. Al says that “Sex Needs a New Metaphor. In today’s society, sex is talked about through baseball, …show more content…

In “Sex Needs a New Metaphor”; Al makes the connection with the audience by saying like, “So when do you play baseball? You play baseball when it 's baseball season and when there 's a game on the schedule. It 's not exactly your choice.” When relating this to sex it often comes true. Sex is usually not something planned nowadays; we usually just say “Oh, It’ll happen someday”, but doesn’t that seem like a very stereotypical scenario? Shouldn’t we have sex when we want to have sex? Al says that we should relate sex to pizza because every loves pizza and it never gets old. With this new idea for a metaphor we take a look at what pizza has to do with this and say “Well how does pizza relate to sex?” Al says that “Now pizza is something that is universally understood and that most people associate with a positive experience.” With this we can then ask the same question but with pizza and the outcome will be more satisfying, so if we ask well “When do we have pizza? Al says the answer is, “But when do you have pizza? Well, you have pizza when you 're hungry for pizza. It starts with an internal sense, an internal desire, or a need.” This is something we relate to because it touches us somewhere Al brings up the point that it has to be a sense or desire, and this is what connects his Ted talk to the people. As he carries on through the Ted talk the questions seem to be a more clear and …show more content…

Is baseball truly Americas metaphor for sex. A metaphor where someone is the winner and some else is the loser? Shouldn’t sex be equal? If you think about this Al has a point when sex is usually thought about the idea is that the man gets what he wants and the ladies come out unsatisfied or empty handed. Baseball goes with this theme of a one sided mindset, but what would pizza have as a mindset well logically thinking pizza comes in variety and every time someone orders pizza it’s more of an option, and not only a one way kind of thing. Al speaks about pizza because it can be simple, and it’s an easy process to do, Al says, “When we 're trying to figure out what 's good for pizza, isn 't it all about what 's our pleasure? There are a million different kinds of pizza. There are a million different toppings. There 's a million different ways to eat pizza. And none of them are wrong. They 're different.” All of this is very true it’s almost a natural ability now to order pizza because it’s so common. The logic to ordering pizza is simple and the fastest thing other than a drive thru at a McDonald’s, we wouldn’t want to compare sex to a drive thru window though I think we all know how that would end up. These appeals that Al makes make a difference in how we view our sex life. Sex is not just about what we want all the time its deeper than that. The first time we hear about sex is what is going to stay with us

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